10 June 2022

EVENT: Be.EV members meet our architect

Be.EV members and partners joined us at the National Football Museum last night to get a sneak preview of the EV charging hub designs we've been working on with our architect Ed Lipton.

At Be.EV, we're on a mission to use the EV charging roll-out to transform neighbourhoods and reinvent forecourts, creating green and attractive community spaces. That's why our hub designs include trees, grass areas and planters with native wildflowers.

Ed ran us through the design evolutions for our mini and large ultra-rapid hubs and shared the modular building blocks that will become the design standard for EV charging in the North. Afterwards, our CEO Asif and COO Adrian took the opportunity to give an update on the network and hear from members about their charging experience.

And to sow the seeds of a greener North, we sent attendees home with packs of wildflower seed mix.

Here are a few first impressions from the night:


Asif, Be.EV's CEO, speaking with two men in front of a presentation

A man doing a presentation

Event attendees talking to each other

Adrian, Be.EV's COO

Event attendees speaking


Smiling woman with a glass